Liam Linaker​ ~ Ireland

Certified to Teach Level 1 Cobra Breath Workshop 


In 2010 I attended the ITI Level 1 course in Stroud, England, and was so inspired I attended the Module 1 teacher training in Florida 3 weeks later. I followed this up by doing the Level 2 and the Module 2 teacher training, the Level 3 and the Module 3 teacher training, and the Level 4, becoming certified to teach the Level 1 and the Practicum in June of 2012. I incorporate all 4 levels of the Cobra Breath in my daily meditation, which is usually between 20-30 minutes in length. A great way to start the day. I like to follow that with yoga, which I became certified to teach in 2018.

Over the years I’ve also included the Rishi Isometrics, the Tibetan Rites, the Tai Chi warm ups, and the Lama Breaths in my daily practice, sometimes to include all that is recommended in the Daily Practices of the first 3 levels. 

There are no coincidences. At my Level 1 in Stroud I arranged to meet a fellow participant and a few weeks later went to visit her in Stroud. I soon realized that there was no energetic connection and wondered why I was there. I soon found out. As she was going to work she asked me if I had brought anything to read whilst she was away. I hadn’t, so she lent me a copy of a book a friend had leant her, which she had purchased at a recent talk in town. I managed to get through the first 7 chapters and was blown away. I knew why I’d been drawn to visit. The author is mystic Michael J Roads. I now incorporate working with the 8th to 12th Chakras in my Level 3 and 4 Cobra Breaths.